Why IBM Declined to Participate in The Gartner MDM Magic Quadrant

The latest Gartner Magic Quadrant for Master Data Management Solutions was published a month ago as touched in the post Disruptive Forces in MDM Land.

In the section about IBM, there was this note: “IBM declined to participate in this research and did not supply supplemental information. Gartner’s analysis is therefore based on other credible sources, including previous research input from IBM, customer inquiries, Peer Insights reviews submitted during the period covered by this research and other publicly available information.”

My guess is that Gartner and IBM already had a bad relation around the previous report which led to that this report was delayed a couple of months as told in the post Gartner MDM Magic Quadrant in Overtime.


Recently Nancy Hensley of IBM published a post called Understanding the new Gartner MDM Magic Quadrant and the IBM position. In here Nancy explains that IBM chose not to participate because IBM has a different point of view on where the MDM marketplace is going. In other words: The Gartner MDM market view is old school.

Perhaps magic quadrants, and analyst reports in general, are old school then. Perhaps the new school is that IBM and all the other vendors explain themselves – and can be reviewed by the (professional) crowd. Well, this is the idea behind The Disruptive MDM List.